How do I add Carousels into my course?

Simple steps to effortlessly create Carousels that will empower users to interact with your content seamlessly through sliding controls.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to add Carousel blocks into your course.

Step 1: Adding a Carousel

  • To create a Carousel, navigate to the "Blocks" section in Compozer and choose "Carousel."
  • Drag and drop the Carousel block onto your canvas to begin building the interactive content.

Step 2: Choosing a Carousel Style

  • In the settings panel, explore the different Carousel styles available to match your course requirements.
  • Select the style that best complements your content and design preferences.

Step 3: Configuring Carousel Settings

  • Each Carousel interaction comes with a range of setting options to tailor its functionality and appearance.
  • Utilize the "Loop" option to enable slides to appear and disappear indefinitely, offering a continuous viewing experience for users.
  • Activate "Auto Play" to allow the Carousel to transition automatically between slides, creating a seamless interaction.
  • Adjust the "Autoplay Interval" to set the time in milliseconds between each transitioning slide, controlling the Carousel's pace.

Step 4: Managing Text Position and Height

  • Under the "Text Position" setting, choose the appropriate position for the text overlay on the Carousel image.
  • Additionally, adjust the "Height" to suit your layout and content requirements.

Step 5: Customising Content Display

  • Compozer offers the option to hide content within the slide block. (WAIT)

Step 6: Setting Image Display

  • In the "Image Settings" section, you have two options:
  • "Cover" maintains the image's aspect ratio and fills the given dimension.
  • "Contain" resizes the image to fit within the given dimension while preserving its aspect ratio.

Step 7: Preview and Publish

  • After configuring the settings, preview your Carousel to ensure it aligns with your vision.
  • Once satisfied with the design and functionality, publish your course to share the interactive Carousel with users.

With these simple steps, you can effortlessly create Carousels that empower users to interact with content seamlessly through sliding controls. Customise the Carousel's behaviour and appearance to suit your course needs, and engage learners with captivating and interactive content.